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Posted on 11/13/2016 by Thomas (TJ) Underwood of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors

Learn why getting over your anger immediately regardless of how you feel at the moment is a key to achieving more…


It is important that you don’t become angry or bitter about your current circumstances whether it be financial or otherwise. 

Even when those around you seem to be moving forward at a steady and prosperous pace and you seem to be stuck in quicksand, you must have an optimistic or positive view about your and your family’s future.


It may be that your anger is caused by you not doing all that you should be doing and that can be corrected if you are conscious of what you are doing and you take the necessary action on a consistent basis. 


Positive, healthy change can happen if you leave your past in your past and move forward in a bold manner—starting today.


If you put the right plan in place to guide you toward the goals that you want to accomplish you can eliminate your anger and achieve more. 

However, it is important that you also leave your anger behind.  Anger is often misdirected, the key is that you must look within and make the necessary correction.


You can live, sleep and walk in comfort.  You can leave anger behind and start living a more fruitful life.  The way that you process and think about your present and future is critical. 


You can look at and see your future in a clearer, more focused manner when you leave anger behind. 

You must see a winning future in your life and you must see yourself focusing on what is important.  Your focus must not be on what is going on around you—but should be on what you can do to make what you desire come true!


The current state of the economy, what is happening politically, your family situation, your recent job loss or your current finances (good or bad) must not lead you to feeling anger or bitterness on a continuous basis.


It is important that you live daily as if you have something major to accomplish—because you do!


Starting today, you must determine where your anger is coming from and make a concerted effort to not allow that source of your anger to guide your daily actions.


In the area of your personal finances if you are going to build your finances effectively you must release your anger at the source and determine within your mind that you will gain a solid financial foundation that cannot be shaken.


The 3 Step Approach offers you the solid foundation that you need to achieve lifelong success!   

In addition it provides you the blueprint and action plan that allows you to:



·         see the best in yourself—live in wisdom so you don’t have financial burdens


·         remove financial burdens after you make mistakes


·         strengthen your mind so you can carry financial burdens with easein case you have to



The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances focuses on providing you the wisdom that is needed to manage your finances in a comprehensive manner so that you can positively focus on your future. 

You will strengthen your mind and money management skills to a level that allows you to take effective action in the continuous management of your credit and finances in a simpleyet comprehensive manner. 


The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing your finances provides you the opportunity to:


·         Operate at a level that is the best that is within you—daily


·         Sleep, eat and live better—and avoid money management woes that hold so many back



You must grow in your journey of financial management! 

Did you know that many people are not short of money—but short of money management skills? 

Did you know that buying too much house and too much car is a leading cause of financial and life stress in the lives of many! 

Did you know that many who get a raise or bonus from their employer often go into even more debt or dig a deeper financial hole for themselves and their family?


You now have an opportunity to use financial wisdom in your daily life to avoid common mishaps that many make due to lack of financial knowledge.  And effective application of that knowledge on a daily basis.


Anger, bitterness and resentment—can’t have if you want success in a more timely manner! 

Did you know that improving your attitude is hard?  However, the sooner you get started—the more you will grow. 

Don’t complain or blame, be thankful—take responsibility and do the right thing.

Sometimes you have to go down low in the valley on a number of occasions in order to reach the peak. 

In a similar manner you may have to go lower to go up higherby leaving anger behind before you begin your climb.


By responding positively to adversity (leaving anger behind) you are passing through hard times—and not living there.   

You are learning, growing and gaining strength for your future. 

In closing always remember:

Where your focus goes—is where your energy flows!

Don’t accentuate the negative in your life by living in anger on a daily basis!

Now is the time that you start taking the right strides so that you can win all of your races!

All the best...

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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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