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Motivational Thoughts & Personal Finance
Learn how your motivational level plays a critical role in your future success

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Learn how you can use "Goals and Objectives" to improve your family's finances... 

Motivation & You

The strength of financial planning is that if you are motivated and want to achieve your financial goals you can do so with effective financial planning.

The weakness of financial planning is that if you are not motivated and want to achieve your financial goals, no amount of planning will take you to where you and your family need or desire to be.

You must realize that you are greater than your past or present life and if you make the decision "now" to change and continuously grow, you can effectively improve your personal finances and achieve what you really desire!

If you can comprehend (take hold of—possess in your heart and mentally grasp what is being said) the information on this site and believe or know in your heart that you truly  want to improve your credit and finance position—you can do so!

In short, if you are “motivated” and want to achieve—you can do so, however it must start inside of you.   You must have a strong desire to reach your financial goals!

Stop procrastinating and get started today! You can no longer use the "cost" of financial planning as an excuse as everything you need to get started and improve your credit and finances in a major way can be found on this site.

The "10 Steps To Improving Your Finances" has been utilized worldwide with effective results—you too can have effective results if you are truly determined to improve your and your family's personal finances. 

If you are "truly motivated" to improve your finances and that of your family's you should understand that financial goal setting plays a major part and you should know how establishing goals and reaching them requires discipline.

Successfully reaching your goals won't happen in most cases unless you have a detailed plan that is measurable and will give you the results that you desire!

To see how you can use "financial goal setting" to reach your and your family's goals—click here... 

Get started on a journey of improving your finances! 

Do it for yourself, your family, loved ones and the society that you live in!

If you want to see how you can use personal motivation to pay off your credit card debt click here... 

Do you understand how credit cards work? If not—click here... 

In my over 20 plus years of dealing with clients from all over the world with varying backgrounds I have learned that the key component to financial and life success lies not in the effective plan that a financial planner or other professional may have at his or her disposal, but more to do with the “personal motivation” of the person who seeks financial planning. 

It is not uncommon for a client to seek financial planning only after experiencing a major life event or financial setback (although we at Realty 1 Strategic Advisors' are rapidly trying to change that mindset)!

The “personal motivation” that lies inside of you is not only key, but no matter how powerful or uplifting a program a financial planner has, if you are not motivated at a high enough level the plan will not be successful or not be as successful as it could have been.

It is imperative, crucial, and very necessary that you are properly motivated and want to change your financial position!

With most people it usually takes a major life setback or major financial situation that did not go their way before they realize that there might be a better way and financial planning might be something they need to consider. 

If you are not in that position, it is important that you address all areas of your financial planning immediately, to avoid a potential financial setback.

If you are in that position—at least you are at the right site.  Even though your journey to financial freedom may be somewhat more difficult, however—you can still do it.  Do not give up at this point!

This site along with our companion site has the potential to get you on track and effectively transform your financial position more than any other sites on the internet in our opinion.

However, we’ll let you be the judge of that—please review and sites thoroughly and we are confident that your life and that of your family's will be improved.

Over the years I have assisted many clients and there are numerous factors that affect successful financial planning. However, the number one factor with almost every client was their level of motivation, or lack thereof.

Some people seem to be born with motivation, some don’t have it and in many cases don’t want to get it, and some acquire motivation as a result of a life event or setback!

Still others get motivated while in pursuit of trying to reach their financial or life goals!

With some people all it takes is for them to hear the right words at the right time to get them motivated to do the things that they know they should do, but have procrastinated on for years.

Over the past twenty plus years of assisting clients in real estate and personal finance I have come up with motivational thoughts or axioms in an attempt to motivate those who were standing on the edge and just needed an inspirational word to get them started on their financial journey where they could finally put a plan together to improve their living conditions for themselves and their family.

Listed below are some of my favorite motivational thoughts (all original) over the past twenty plus years that have inspired many who knew they needed to attack their financial situation but were reluctant to do so for a number of reasons.

*Follow your dreams—no matter what the world has produced before you—no one can see what you see and/or do what you do!

*You have been uniquely created and only you can impart your intelligence and specialty in a manner that can serve a greater purpose for mankind!

*Success is where faith and proper preparation meet. Proper preparation will lead to success if you have faith.

*Let righteousness live in your heart, and let goodness rise in your soul. Let your mind elevate at its highest level. Always love, honor and believe in yourself.

*Always realize that you may have a legitimate "reason" for your current financial position, but don't use that reason as an "excuse" to not take positive action now!

*Transform your mindset towards your finances by re-focusing on what is important and being open to looking at your finances in a different or better way!

*Financial Success is within your grasp but only you can do it! The “root” to… obtaining your future nest egg is having a proper financial mindset or focus. The “branches” are… how you will get there—and the “tree size” is…the big picture—your ULTIMATE GOALS & OBJECTIVES.

*Whatever you affect, leave it better than before you affected it!

*You must leave your imprint—your vision is what you see—not what others see!

*Some don’t want you to grow because you will get ahead of them—so they don’t want you to grow—however you must grow!

*God gives you the "power to achieve"—doing so is up to you! You must use that "power to achieve" by taking positive action now!

*If you think you can reach the top you are already at the "Summit." If you think you can't reach the top get ready to plummet! If you think you can achieve it—you're right! if you think you can't achieve it—you are also right! 

Motivation for those who procrastinate

*Time expands to fill the void that “you” allow!

*In order to get it done—you must get moving—no excuse will do!

*If you allow the deadline to expand—it will expand!

*If you focus and get to it—it will get done!

*Whatever happens in your life prior to you doing it—it didn’t get done!

*If you get started today success is on the way! You must know in your heart—that success is just around the corner after you start!

*You fall short when you are given an additional chance and you don’t capitalize on it!

*Once you mentally see it, view it, telescope it—it can be done—now go do it!

*If you have faith and proper preparation—success is next!

*No matter how much you think, believe, know, understand, have faith, pray and know it will happen—it won’t happen until you “take action” while you think, believe, know, understand, have faith, pray and “make it happen.”

*When you "take action" you will begin to see success and positive momentum build! You must have the mental approach, means, will, desire and most importantly "take action" on your part to mentally create and make what you see or visualize a reality.

*Dreaming, wishing, speculating, hoping, meditating, in and of itself is not a way to success. You must constantly take positive action (work) to “make it happen.”

*Pray and wait—your results will not be that great! Pray and action—will lead to a high level of satisfaction!   Pray and action—now that's a satisfaction!

*God gives you the "power to achieve"—doing so is up to you!

You have the "power to achieve"—now what are you going to do!

Do you know that you have the "power" to make your dreams come true?

Always remember to strive higher, you are never through!

The following motivational poem was written for my children during a difficult time in my life when the stresses of life and my finances had me down.

The poem came to me as an inspiration almost immediately and I had to act on that inspiration.

It goes to show that even in your darkest moment, light is just around the corner.

Use the poem to reach your highest heights to truly be all that you can be.


Greatness is not going to come to you!

You have to take it to greatness in order for that to be true.

Look at the stars and the moon.

And you too will be there soon.

Aim High!

And—you too will exceed the sky.

As you meditate and ask God, How far can I go?

And he’ll reply—only you know.

Within all of us is the ability to take it to levels never before seen.

Or, are you going to settle for the average mean.

The future is yours, only the heavens know how far you will go.

Will you give it your all or are you only show.

God loves you—will you give it your all?

Or, will you stay at your same level and remain small.

You owe it to yourself for being in existence.

To always strive higher—and be persistent.

Mindset & Motivation

Your mindset or way of thinking is paramount in today’s society. With all of the negativity and lack of civility in society today from the least educated to the most educated, from television to radio and also the big screen—it is easy to get caught up into the same mindset of your peers or the larger society in general.

Keep in mind that if that applies to you—you are robbing yourself of positive energy that you could be using to improve your financial and family life.

Starting today, focus on what is important and can move you and your family forward in a major way.

You must have a strong financial foundation or be working toward having a strong financial foundation if your goal is to live at a decent level.

Your mindset is the daily thoughts that go through your mind on a constant basis that include family, friends, financial thoughts and how you view and see life.

Whether you are frustrated or happy on a daily basis from a number of sources, improving your credit and finances and the thoughts that go through your mind on a daily basis play a large part in how you feel and act on a daily basis, and play a major role in improving your life and that of your family's—in all areas.

If your goal is to improve your credit and finances, the application of the structuring techniques on this site by you should provide immediate results—if you comprehend and apply the information in a timely manner and you don’t procrastinate.

The thoughts that go through your mind on a daily basis play a large part in how you feel and act on a daily basis!

In many cases at the root or branch level of most of those who feel frustrated, sad or otherwise not upbeat is their lack of finances and/or poor management of their finances.

Be sure to ask yourself what do you care about?

Be sure to ask yourself what are you passionate about?

Be sure to ask yourself what moves you to action?

To get to a higher level you must get to a financial level of understanding that will put you and your family in control. You must get into a habit of doing your due diligence as it relates to your finances. 

You must control your mind and thought process in a manner that will ascend your family to a higher level in all areas of your life that are important to you and your family.

Determination and eagerness to learn and improve your finances is a key component of you doing your due diligence and improving the living conditions for you and your family.

It is our desire that the above motivational thoughts have sparked something on the inside of you to take positive control of your and your family’s finances starting now, and for the rest of your life.

For more motivational and inspirational thoughts click on the links below. 

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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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